Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Love Politics!

I love the political season!  That's right I said it...I love it!  Always have.  I guess it's to be expected when you were voted "Most Likely to be President" during Senior awards in high school.  
I mean heck -- you're lookin' at someone who was an honorary page in the Oregon State Senate in the 5th grade, did student legislature thru high school, shadowed a lobbyist, and was an intern for a former Oregon House Majority leader.   Who knows - maybe one day I'll risk a bit and run for a small office or something.   Or I'll just enjoy from the sidelines! :)

There are tons of details that go in to every political decision and outcome - and I love it all!

But what I love more are ideas & most importantly actions that benefit every day Americans & small business owners (one of whom is my boss!) who make this country move and work.  Our focus here in Oregon needs to be jobs jobs jobs (not unusual from the focus of many states across the nation) - as we have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.  

Needless to say - it's 10:10pm here on a Tuesday night, and I'm as energized as I was during the normal work day!  I'm looking forward to the final outcome - primarily Oregon's Gubernatorial Race!  So I'll leave with this.....


1 comment:

  1. voting is super important, it's been fun to see how everyone is getting in to it this year!
