Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Days of Gratitude - Day 10

Today I am grateful for: The United States Marine Corps

Today I am thankful for the USMC - for all that this branch of the military has done to protect our freedoms, from the very inception of our nation.  Every man & woman who chose to willingly serve & those who were called -- to them I am thankful.
I am specifically grateful for my Mom & Dad -- both proud former Marines (my mom was discharged when she was pregnant with me, and my dad retired from the USMC Reserves when I was about 13).  
Both joined the Marine Corps and left for basic training right after they graduated.  And they would not be the people they are today had they not joined.   My dad came from modest means to say the least and was given a place where he could succeed of his own merit, be rewarded for a job well done, travel, have strong male role models, & create life long friendships (my dad's best friend in the world, his "wingman" is my "Uncle" Bud).
My mom also went off to basic training right after graduation - except she went to North Carolina.  She learned how to be self reliant, how to put her nose down & work, and how to succeed in an otherwise male dominated environment (something she ROCKS at!).
This is how my parents met - and I am eternally grateful.
These two people were forever changed by the United States Marine Corps - which in turn forever changed the course of my family. 

Happy Birthday United States Marine Corps!



  1. love these thankful blogs you are doing


  2. thanks monica! it's fun - a good reminder to be thankful for even the smallest of things :)
