Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Obsession

Our household has a new obsession...and that lovely obsession is the wonderful show Friday Night Lights.  Thank you Netflix for being so good to us!

One word -- Ahhhhhhhhhh-mazing.

Let's just say that in 3 nights we have burned thru 20 episodes.  Granted those 3 nights have been the last two Fridays and a Saturday.  It is so fantastic - a lot of the ways that Coach Taylor interacts with his wife, I see similarities in the way that husband and I interact.  Particularly during football season.  Supportive of the husband, and his love - but not taking any kind of nonsense.  

Love to you friends....but I'm going back to my new show.  And I'm already depressed that it ended just recently.  How sad.


  1. i've heard that is a really good show, actually!

  2. Oh my goodness YES! I didn't think I'd get hooked so fast, but it's good

  3. everyone keeps telling me I gotta get into that show.
