Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Big Brother

Confession....I absolutely LOVE Big Brother on CBS.  It is without question one of my all time favorite shows, of all time. (is that overly dramatic??)

It is also one of 2 shows that I myself would ever want to go on.  I just love the dynamics that always play out. I love the creativity of the games that they come up with.  And I love the seeing how each different player approaches the game to ensure their longevity in the game.  I will say my only disappointment over the progressing seasons is that the production team has moved away from putting things in the house that the house guests have to remember, or count, etc.  That used to be a huge piece in the previous seasons.  There were hidden clues through out the entire house that played a role in games down the road.  And the house used to be designed in a theme.  That was fun.  However I will say that two of my favorite players are playing again this season.

My family & hubby & I love love love Jeff & Jordan.  They were so much fun to watch two seasons ago getting to know one another  And then they were fun watching on The Amazing Race (the other show I'd go on), and now we get the chance to watch them again! Jordan is just so cute & says the most hilarious things.

Ok....I've vented enough about my obsession.  Haven't checked it out?  Go for know you want to.  All the other nay-sayers in my life have converted.  Every single last one of them.
Tomorrow is a great night to start -- eviction night :)

1 comment:

  1. I am a huge BB junkie too, and JeJo are my favorite! I watched them in Amazing Race as well and was SO sad when they got kicked off. their relationship reminds me a lot of mine & my husband's... not necessarily Jordan's ditzyness, but the way they are so playful with each other!

    tonight is going to be interesting! ;)
