Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trip Planning

I have to admit I normally love planning trips - getting all the details in line, figuring the when, the where, and the how.  But right now - I can't say I'm that excited about our upcoming trips.  Well that's not entirely true - I am looking forward to the trips themselves.  I am looking forward to time with Isaac's family, our friends, and other adventures.

Here's what I'm not looking forward to.  For the first time ever I am not looking forward to the details of these trips - figuring out the prices, getting things booked, etc.

That aside - hubby Isaac and I had a silly fight on Sunday afternoon. It was so stupid and it blew up in to something ridiculous.  Ultimately led to both of us saying things we didn't intend to say and did things we did not intend to do.  Boy do I hate those kinds of fights.  They are super rare for us - like ridiculously rare.  So rare in fact that they take both of us by total surprise (ok, I know total is an over exaggeration...it's not like we just showed up to the end result of a fight).  Those fights are exhausting and make me feel crummy.  We patched things up last night - I took responsibility for my actions & words & apologized.  It's so important to be humble and apologize....though that is still hard for me.  But I try my best.

Tomorrow I'll be back at ZUMBA with my cousin! So looking forward to it - I had forgotten how much I really like that class.  Though my heart was beating kind of weird last night, I thoroughly enjoyed being there and sweating it out! Love love love

1 comment:

  1. haha we have those fights sometimes :) but at least we always know one of us will apologize so it is usually fine. maybe sometimes you just need to get it out!
