Friday, January 21, 2011

Fill In the Blank Friday!

1. My favorite quote is... people don't care what you know til they know that you care. My mom has a unique affinity to always bring this little gem up at the perfect time. And it's so true!

2.  A bad habit I have is... biting my nails & destroying nail polish. It's awful, whenever I get a manicure the polish lasts maybe 4-5 days. Crummy investment. Goal this year is to make them last!
3.  The first time I felt like a "grown up" was... when Isaac & I were on our honeymoon in Kauai.  There was just something about being in our own car, our own hotel room, picking everything we wanted to do & when.  It was fun.

4.  Weekends are... wonderful! Right now they're jam packed for me, so Friday nights & Sundays are usually my veg time. Saturdays I'm working at The Bridal Gallery  which has been so fun. I'm learning a lot, and the extra money isn't too awful either. Putting that away for our trips to Denver & Cali in the coming months.

5.  When I was a child I wished my name was... I don't really have an answer. I always really kind of liked my name.  Didn't know too many other Annas.
6.  I wish... that my Gran was better & back at her cabin. That my brother was closer to home (it sucks having him 3,000 miles away).  That our school & car loan was gone - so we could start putting that $$ to savings for when we have kids.  That Isaac could coach football at his dream school.  That my parents wouldn't have to work or worry about anything.  That my family would come to terms with our history & be open. That when Isaac & I have kids that they would be healthy, happy, and we would guide them in the way the Lord would want us to.

7.  A secret I have is... my family is related to the author Beverly Cleary.  Super cool & random.  Also, I could literally live in jeans & sweatshirts if I was allowed to. So comforting :)

In other news - Hubby Isaac was granted $17,500 from a loan forgiveness program this week, so that knocked his masters loan debt down from $25K to $8K! Hallelujah! God is good!


  1. the honeymoon totally made me feel like an adult as well...I can't pin point why but I knew the moment we got the the airport we were ADULTS!

  2. Wow congrats on the debt, 8k is way more manageable!

