Monday, September 26, 2011

Sometimes It's Just Plain Hard

Have you ever met those couples that just look like they have it all going on?  The ones that are totally in to PDA with no fear of who's around or who might see.  The ones that literally never say anything negative about their spouse (this trait is not one that I disagree with....personally think you should try to never speak ill of the one you love to anyone).    The ones who make everything look & seem so effortless.  If I were to be completely honest -- there are times when I meet these people that I want to shake them.  Shake them and yell that it isn't that easy.  Take it from me, it's not that easy.

Sometimes it's going to bed upset(because honestly, there are times when you need to sleep to cool down), sometimes it's putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher for the 1 millionth time, sometimes it's waiting up to have hard conversations, sometimes it's sacrificing the "big" things for the"small".

With that said -- just because it's sometimes hard doesn't mean that it isn't completely worth it.  Worth every late night conversation.  Worth every mis-understanding so that you can come out on the other side with a better understanding of the person beside you.  Worth every extra dish or load of laundry because those are ways to show your love.  Worth the sacrifice of some things for others that will strengthen your bond.

It is with all humility that I share these thoughts, as I'm not that far down the marriage path.  Barely beyond our 2 year anniversary, and I know there are a wealth of challenges waiting to be faced.  But I can honestly share that everything I have shared with Isaac has impacted & shaped our friendship, our relationship, our marriage & our love.  I couldn't ask for a better partner, friend, cohort, encourager, and support.  Despite the challenges faced and yet to be faced, I know that I have a man by my side who will hold me up in my weakest moments, who will defend my honor until his dying breath, who will love me despite my weaknesses/sinfulness.  And I am eager to do the same and give thanks for the times where I do this for Isaac in return.  

Sure life is hard, marriage is hard, friendships are hard, parenting is hard (I'm sure much harder than I can even imagine), believing is hard, trusting is hard.  But the outcome is often always worth it.  In church yesterday, Pastor Barry shared how Paul never loosened his grip on the truth, the message, & the love freely given from Christ.  In the face of incredible trials, Paul made the conscious choice to continue moving forward....even if it was slow, even in the midst of obstacles....he continued forward.  Progress is progress.  And as my running aunties say, "Miles are miles, no matter how you get 'em."  The truth is so simple.  And for that I am thankful, because the simplicity makes it attainable.  

I will not strive to portray an image of perfection.  Rather I hope to offer a more true picture of a Christ focused, trusting, loving marriage -- a marriage that sticks together in the face of incredible obstacles, a marriage that goes to bat for the other no matter the cost, & a marriage that is honest about the trials.  I shared previously that one of the best pieces of advice I ever received was to be kind to one another.  To add to that, a piece of wisdom shared from our marriage counselor (& one of Isaac's mentors)....Marriage is incredibly difficult.......and incredibly worth it!  May we hold on to that notion thru the good & bad, the easier & more challenging times.  

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