Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Whisper

I've been trying to listen for the small whispers from the be more aware of His leadings.  And I'm glad I've been listening because I've felt really led to start praying for Isaac's football team....each player, by name.  Along with the football coaches.  
There have been some situations going on that have been challenging for Isaac, for the other coaches, for the kids, and then of course for the wives/families of the coaches & the kids.  And I'm not even sure there is anyone praying for these kids -- not just for what they can do on the football field but for who they are as people.

So starting tomorrow morning (goal is prayer for every kid on game days) I'll be praying thru the roster. I'm kind of excited about it to be honest.  I always know a few specific kids each season, but this will be a cool way to know who each kid is. 

Ok...back to my laundry (story of my life in the fall)...

1 comment:

  1. it will be interesting to see how that affects your relationships and you i think :)
