Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday!

Post #2 for the day....
A Wednesday wouldn't be complete with out the Wee Bit!
Thanks Leigh Ashley!

{one}  do you believe in ghosts?
not really per se
{two} are you more of a talker or more of a listener?
talker for sure...sometimes i have to give my friends permission to tell me to shut up!
{three} would you rather get up early or sleep late?
honestly depends on what i have to do that day.  if i'm at camp, i seem to always wake up early with no problem at all.  every day though i'd much rather sleep late!
{four} if you could instantly become an expert at one type of dance, what type would you choose?
ballroom -- like the waltz, foxtrot, etc
{five} what's your favorite drink?
alcoholic: dirty arnold palmer (aka John Daly) non-alcoholic: peach iced tea
{six} if your house caught fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?
wedding album/photos of our grandpas, the water color photo isaac's great-grandma painted, and the blue heart necklace from my gran i used in our wedding.  i would make isaac grab his Nana's ukulele, our computers, and the cranes hanging in our living room. am i cheating because i laid out what i would make isaac grab??
{seven} if you could only visit one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?
Momiji's or Best Little Roadhouse...both are SOO yummy!
{eight} who inspires you the most?
my parents...corny?
dad = incredible, sometimes un-famthomable challenges but succeeded despite them; one of the most caring, gentle people i know
mom = extremely independent & focused, so smart; has a crazy 6th sense about life

{nine} if you had your own talk show, who would be your first three guests?
Dave Ramsey, Condelezza Rice, Laura Bush

{ten} sneakers or sandals?
depends on where i'm to day, probably sneakers


  1. I'd love to come to your talk show! Those would be some great guests!!

    Love your blog! :)

  2. Ah! Totally with you on the talking thing :D But, that just means we need to find listeners to deal with us in life ;) And, sneakers are an awesome choice - so comfy

  3. these were interesting to read, especially your three talk show guests, that's an interesting question!

  4. Thanks ladies! The talk show question was definitely the hardest one to come up with an answer for! Sorta one of those things where your mind just goes totally blank!
