Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Alright friends -- tomorrow morning I am heading off to Wyldlife camp with 25 middle schoolers.  My camp box is packed and ready to go.  But I have yet to pack my own bag...I know generally what I want/need to pack.  It's just a matter of getting my stuff together & jamming it in one bag.  Yes I will only be gone for 5 days, but there are so many random things we need to pack for and consider -- espcially when you're a leader.
I have to pack an all white outfit, an outfit for a Hawaiian dinner, an outfit for a "mining/outdoorsy" themed dinner....oh yeah, and an outfit that is ultimately going to get TRASHED. Yes trashed.  That's right...trashed.  We're talking mud pit, probably shaving cream, and other gross things that are likely going to get thrown at me.  Ahh - the life of a leader!

So, it is not 6pm and I have to be at our departure location tomorrow at 7:45am which means I better get to packing & STAT. 

I'll be back Tuesday night - so returning to the beautiful blogging world come Wednesday.
Adios amigos!

1 comment:

  1. can't waiiiit to hear funny stories from this, you'll have to have some with all those kids!
