Monday, June 6, 2011

First Sunny Weekend!

The heavens opened up and blessed Oregon (in particular the Willamette Valley) with beautiful weather this weekend!  It was the first officially nice weekend - the entire weekend!  I could not complain at one point during the weekend, because it was too nice to be in a punky mood.
Thankfully got to hang out with a couple kids who will be going to camp this summer - to Washington Family Ranch Creekside (an all middle school Wyldlife camp! Brand SPANKIN' new!).  For the first time I was actually kind of excited to get out there  -- recently I've been nervous and just kind of ho-hum about going.  But kids are getting excited which makes it easier to get excited too.
Here's a quick picture of some of the water slides they built at the camp!
I can't believe that in 24 days I'll be riding that water slide with kids! SO fun!!

In other news - happy to have my best bud Mo-Mo back in town! I've missed that girl - but glad to have her back in good ol' OR! :)
Hope you're having a great start to the week friends!  Still looking for those mini-vacay ideas!


  1. oh man, camp days are the greatest, i used to be a camp counselor in college and have some of the best memories from there!

  2. It really is fun! I can't wait to be able to snap some great photos while we're there and share! it's supposed to be a top notch place so that's exciting!
