Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Don't Do Drama...

Or at least that's what I try to live like...  But to be honest there are times when that twinge comes on, and my inner drama queen wants to make a grand entrance.  Some times she does....other times I'm able to squelch her at the door.  

Not something I'm super proud of - and it's really tough to battle against that inner drama queen, to not just surrender and be completely over whelmed by it.  To not succumb to a bratty disposition simply because I'm not getting my way or things are not turning out exactly how I have thought they should.  Blah - reading that back sounds so incredibly childish.  And here I am at 25, not a child.   Will this battle ever subside?  Will I ever be able to fully conquer this area and banish that drama queen forever?  Lord knows I'm trying.

And as we all know, and likely have experienced, right when we say "I want to practice...*insert character trait*"....along come a wave of situations and people who directly challenge that new goal/mindset.  I am not exempt.  In the past 5 days there seems to have been situation after situation that is testing my ability to ignore and dismiss that D.Q.  For some of the situations I have had the upper hand  -- and others not so much.  Work in progress right?   How do you handle these types of situations?  Have any tips for me?  Because to be honest, it's terribly demoralizing in the really tough situations and that just fuels the little voice that whispers "give up...you can't win...it's not worth it."  Any thoughts are welcomed :)

In other news, work outs have continued at a fairly regular pace & weight loss is continuing as well.  Slowly....but to me that feels better.  I don't feel deprived.  I'm not ravenous, I'm trying to eat normally and allow myself little things that would be considered "bad" - so as not to starve my brain of those things so much so that I completely cave in a weak moment.  And that has me feeling pretty dang good about myself.  
Half marathon is this weekend; I'm a little nervous because I haven't exactly had time to do many long runs in the recent weeks....so we'll see how it goes.  Especially given the fact that my calves have been unusually tight the last week or so.  Pray for health & endurance friends!  That aside - I am looking forward to completing another half marathon.  I always feel a great sense of accomplishment at the finish line...it's a challenge, but one I know I can tackle!
Hope that your week is going well friends!

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