Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Freakin' Eye Twitch!

Nothing glamorous to report dear friends -- despite the fact that I've had a flippin' eye twitch for about 3 weeks now.  You read that right...3 weeks!  Needless to say it's driving me a little batty...which I think only exascerbates the whole issue.  "Stressed much?" is what I heard from a friend.  I probably am but haven't noticed.  Well except for the fact that I spent nearly an entire weekend holed up in my a loser.  That was two weeks ago.

Perhaps I shouldn't beat myself up too much about that stuff - you know, like comparing my existence with that of someone elses?  I'm no fashion blogger.  And definitely not one to blog about interior design. Definitely not a blogger who goes to meet ups - or is invited.  Love to appreciate those - but they are definitely not my forte.  So why be mad at myself for not producing those types of blogs.  Because you know what ultimately ends up happening - those small things start the reel of comparisons, and boy is that an ugly cycle if I've ever seen one.
I am Anna - girl who is married to a Hawaiian, who thinks I'm the most beautiful thing in the world, no matter what I say to dispute him.  I am the girl who would drive 4 hours to see you for 2, and I'm the girl that will sit my cold rear end on a bleacher to watch a bunch of kids play football & they aren't my own.  And I'm the girl that will take my 6yr old cousin Cooper to get a burger & fries -- just to bribe him in to liking me, well not only for that reason.  I'm the girl that is just trying to give a window in my ultra "normal" life, while trying to be as honest as possible.  That's me - and that's good enough.

But frick man...this eye twitch is driving me bananas!

1 comment:

  1. A week ago, I was on a conference call and my eye was twitching like crazy. Even though no one could see me on the call, it was terrible. The twitch was killing me and irritating me. I have no idea what caused it but thank goodness it was gone a couple of hours later.

    I just wanted to stop by and check out your blog and to thank you for joining the Warm Hug Scarf Swap.
