Monday, April 18, 2011

Workouts & Quiet Nights

Well my friends I know I have been MIA the last few days - life & work has just been so crazy that I've barely had time to even think or do anything other than work & crash.  So my apologies! I have been keeping up on your blogs though! :)

But I will say that I have been sticking to my workout schedule - which is making me pretty proud of myself.  And tonight I added a quick 30 min run after my weight lifting class.  First time I've done that, but dang I felt good afterwards.  So I may just keep that in the mix of things after class on M/W/F.  
And I'm so appreciating the quiet nights Isaac & I have been having as of late. It's so relaxing and comforting know that we can sit together and just chill out.

8 days til we get out of town & I can't even express how much I am looking forward to getting out of town.  I'm always a little nervous getting together with Ike's family, but I'm sure it'll all work out fine.  It'll be fun to see Ike's brother get married and be all together - but send me your good thoughts next weekend! :)

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