Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} how often do you do laundry?
currently once a week, but i think that's going to get bumped up.
isaac has huge clothes so i'd rather do multiple small loads than 2 HUGE loads.

{two} what is your favorite type of cookie?
chocolate chip...without a doubt

{three} what would you do with an extra $2000 per month?
hire a yard guy, cleaning lady & update the wardrobe

{four} what was/is your favorite subject in school? 
i really loved history - and almost became a high school history teacher

{five} have you ever ridden in a hot air balloon?
no i haven't - but wouldn't mind it!

{six} what was your high school mascot?
we were the Celtics - i still know the fight song & dance

{seven} if you had the chance to go in to space, would you?
probably - i mean how many people EVER have that kind of chance?!

{eight} how often do you go dancing?
not very often - but went a couple weeks ago w/ friends

{nine} would you rather drive or fly?
fly -- i want to get where i'm going so i can enjoy it the longest time possible

{ten} have you ever been caught re-gifting?
don't think so, but i definitely have re-gifted! muahahaha

Sorry for the lack of interesting posts as of late friends - I've been trying to focus my energy on getting my rear end to the gym & making better food choices, but alas the food is still my hang up.  
All in all, what usually ends up happening is I go to the gym for Group Power/running or go running & then get home and am exhausted. That's right, exhausted. As in no energy for anything.  So as a result, our laundry has yet to be folded, we have yet to go grocery shopping (yes I've mentioned probably about4 or 5 times here & on my twitter that we were's yet to be accomplished), and there are still dishes in my sink.  I'm looking forward to the day when I'm energized from all this working out to get the house spic & span, have the office finally organized (i.e. go thru isaac's old paperwork & organize), the middle room finished with Isaac's recording things put together & our entire bedroom/bathroom cleaned top to bottom .  Yes that will be the day!
Maybe I'll start registering my food choices here as a for of accountability...hmm...or not. That's a whole heck of a lot of transperancy with the blogging world I'm not quite sure I'm ready for.  I think I'll just stick with my WW log.
Love to you friends!


  1. Cleaning lady and update the wardrobe......Love that answer!
    I'm a new follower!
    Amy's Life @

  2. I totally agree, I think I would hire a cook and a cleaning lady! I loved that answer:)

  3. Ohh love the cook idea Krystal! But only if they did the dishes as well! ;)

  4. I also love chocolate chip cookies the most and I would love to have someone to clean my home weekly:) Happy Thursday, darling
