Friday, April 16, 2010

You Can't Pick Your Family...

And I'm actually thankful for that!  My family is pretty dang amazing when it comes right down to it.  God was good when He was planning how to knit us each together.
So let's start from the beginning:
Dad (aka Greg or daddio) was born in Salem, 3rd of 8 kids - worked hard all his life, graduated from my alma mater (McNary), went into the Marine Corps and found himself there.  Met my mom...
Mom (aka momma) was born in Puyallup, 1st of 4 girls.  She was the one who took care of it all and of everyone.  A Jobs Daughter Queen, graduated high school & also joined the Marine Corps.  And surprise surprise - she did awesome in the Marine Corps!
Both my parents were married before they got together - but God had bigger things in while on a date with a guy name George at the officer's club, my mom met my dashing dad & ditched George!! Match made!  They definitely faced their trials during their 30 (yes that's right...I said THIRTY) years together - but overall they have put our family first in all things and have taught my brother and what it means to take care of your family first & foremost.  Sure during my younger years it was tough to see where they were coming from...but looking back I know that God is good based on how my family has turned out.  We love each other, we are family first - but now we are friends as well.  What an unbelievable blessing - to love my family AND to like them...  We fully understand one another and how each person works within the bigger picture.
Since I know who I am... there's Allan, the younger brother :)  The baby -- the only boy of 3 girls (yes.. I have 2 older half- sisters from my dad's first marriage).  And boy is he ever the only boy...  He is my dad's "buddy" - two peas in a pod.  Literally, my brother is a mini-me of my dad, a small carbon copy.  But he is one of the coolest, most down to earth kids I have ever met.  He is very caring and probably the most stable individual out there.

On top of all this - recently Isaac was added into the mix.  And it was as if he was an ever present fixture within our family.  He stepped right in and all the dynamics still worked and worked well.  My dad has another buddy, my mom has another mind to bounce business ideas off of, my brother finally has the brother he always wanted, and of course I got the best end of the deal -- an amazing husband who is not only willing to put up with my craziness from time to time, but he also loves me for that very reason.  I've said it before and I reckon I will say it again -- we are far better together than we ever were on our own.

All in all I am thankful for my family - thankful for my husband, my immediate family, for our unique extended families, & for our friends that are just like family.  What an amazing gift in the big scheme of life.  To love who you were placed next to in this life.  Things are good!!
Now back to my Friday night with my hubby... time to relax together and enjoy our life together.  Thank you God for your blessings.


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