Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Crossing My Fingers For That Little Blue Box!

I am crossing my fingers that we'll get selected again this year for the annual Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco, CA.  Last year I made my first appearance at the race (and at a half marathon!) and had the time of my life!  The theme for last year was to "Run Like A Girl" - and I guess that's what I did.  Primarily -- I finished, which was my ultimate goal.  Monique & I agreed very early on in our training that we wanted to finish together regardless of our time.  So we stuck thru it together and finished.

But now the time is here again where I am anxiously checking my bank account and my emails for the anticipated notification email saying that I've been selected!  Last year I was sitting on my living room floor hopping around with pure excitement when I saw that my account had been charged -- a sign that you're IN!  So tonight, I will again keep an eye on my bank account & email...crossing my fingers, toes, legs, etc that we get selected.

There are a number of pros to this race - there's the goodies at the expo in Union Square, getting your name up on the wall of Niketown, the ever coveted Tiffany's necklace for every finisher (which by the way, is REALLY cool to see limos FILLED with those beautiful blue boxes!), and of course the other race day niceties.  But for me - the most enjoyable part is getting to travel with great friends and finish something together.  That was my highlight; sure...getting up at 4:30/5am was tough come race day - but it was worth it when you got down in to Union Square and the whole place if lit up with excitement & anticipation!  And being surrounded by all that energy was intoxicating!  Not to mention being surrounded by so many different women (and some men too) who were running the same race that I was.  That was pretty awe-inspiring too.

So...cross your fingers for me (and my group - Nordhagen & crew as we lovingly call ourselves) that we get selected in the random draw tonight!

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