Thursday, July 14, 2011

Just How Many...And WHEN?!

*Disclaimer...this post is not written in any way to allude or imply that the Parker household is adding anyone in the near future.  There are no babies on the horizon for us, right now.  And now...back to the normal post....

Perhaps it's the stage in our life -- perhaps it's the fact that Isaac married someone who's younger than he (by about 6 years...), or perhaps it's that we're more aware of it now.  And the "it" I'm referring to are all the babies out there.  Just born babies, babies still in wombs, babies that are trying to be made (that's weird to say).  But honestly, there seems to be nearly every couple around us either trying to have a baby, having a baby, or just had a baby.  And so naturally that has brought up many more conversations between Isaac & I, more conversations between myself & dear friends, some conversations with our families (these are very controlled...don't want any hopes getting up prematurely).  To be honest, some times it's hard to feel like you're the only ones -- or the last one in Isaac's case -- to not be having kids right now.  

So in these conversations inevitably the question comes up about "just how many kids do you want to have?"  And probably well before we were married, right before we were married, and right after we were married I would have answered 2.  Just right...even numbers, keep everything balanced.  No one gets left out when we go to theme parks, etc.  You know, the important things in life.  But recently I was talking with my aunt & cousin (who is..*gasp*...pregnant), and I told them that I'd be ok with 3 or 4; to which Isaac piped up with his confirmation of 4...with my same even reasoning. :)  Not quite sure what the change in heart/thought is...but I loved growing up in a big extended family, and that wouldn't have happened had my grandma not had more than 2 children.  Would I want the exact scenario my grandma had when she had her kids....definitely not.  But I think Isaac and I could handle that craziness, or at least I hope we could!  Plus, Isaac's convinced that we'll have a set of multiples -- we'll see about that.

I try to calm Isaac's anxiety about having babies -- he thinks he's the only one of his group of friends who does not have kids (not entirely true, but his two best friends from college have 2 or 3 kids already).  There is a more challenging aspect about deciding to wait -- because for us, it is just that a decision.  I want/need to be respectful and honoring of Isaac & where he is at in his life while also keeping a firm grasp on where we are as a couple together.   His parents got pregnant right away -- my parents waited 5 years before having me.  Honestly I'm glad my parents waited to have me.  They were able to do those silly young married things, and then were ready to calm down a bit and put all their focus on us kids.  It was nice to have parents who I knew I could always rely on.  

All this to say that I am so very excited to have kids - but I'm excited that we're waiting too (but of course we'll be excited if God has different plans).  I'm excited to see how many God blesses Isaac and I with, and how He will change our hearts & lives when we have kids.  So for all of you out there having those cute little munchkins...CONGRATULATIONS! You are blessed....and I feel blessed that I can live vicariously thru you for a couple more years.  And for those of you waiting -- you're not alone :)

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