Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Usually the afternoons are when things calm down a bit for the day.  I've done a ton this morning, called a bunch of people (mostly to tell them I'll be out of the office -- countdown: 2 days!!), and run around like a crazy person.  But there are two things that seem to be getting me through the chaos of today... getting to spend lunch at Claggett Creek with great kids & Pandora on my phone.
Honestly - I think I would be one of the most depressing people if I couldn't listen to music.  How awful.  But thank the good Lord above for whomever invented Pandora, made the app, and keeps it running!

The other thing running thru my head right now is the message shared by my pastor on Sunday.  Barry has been walking through a series titled "Fill the Holes in Your Soul" and this past Sunday his focus on was forgiving others.  And one piece that really stuck out to me was the fact that my inability to forgive horizontally (i.e. to those around me) will inevitably affect my ability to receive forigveness vertically (i.e. from my Lord & Savior).  What a gut check -- sure I'm forgiven, my salvation will never, can never be taken - but it's obvious that God has to forgive me daily, but if I'm stubborn and hard headed about giving forgiveness than how am I able to receive it?  Check into Matthew 18:21 & on.  Good stuff.

Headed to a middle school choir concert tonight - gotta love those 8th grade girls in concert choir. So fun.
Oh WyldLife... good to have you back in my life :)


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