Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Practice Patience

This season right now is one where we're not sure what direction we're going.  In fact we're kind of making movements forward in about two or three directions.  Not sure how any of them are going to work.  Simply moving forward until we are told to stop.

Isaac submitted his application for a head football coaching position at our local high school.  It'd be a step up for him professionally, and is something I know without a shadow of a doubt he would be FANTASTIC at.  He has that natural ability to assess situations & think logically, without losing the personal side of each situation.  But with the school district there are always a certain amount of unknowns. 

So it seems fitting that one of my areas of weakness, patience, would be tested in this time.  I am not what you would call a patient person.  (I am more the person that unwrapped gifts as a child, because the anticipation was more than I could bear)  I've been driving by the high school each day praying for God's will to be first, and for Isaac & I to be content in what plan He has for us.  Even if that means something different. (super honest moment....sometimes when I talk about this, I feel silly/shallow because on the spectrum of life there are so many other things to be focusing on.....)  We've been praying together & individually about what the immediate future holds.  And as is fitting, God is using his word to speak to my heart also about being patient, being content, and trusting in Him.  Sometimes easier said than done..but each day I try again & try to remain focused.  

Lord where are you leading? We are anxiously waiting to see what you have in store.  And we know we probably won't make sense of it all until we're at a point where we can look back & see how you pieced it all together.  Trying each day to trust, learn, & lean in to you.

1 comment:

  1. Just know that this topic has been in my prayers too. So many options, so many opportunites, and I just pray that Isaac is placed in the "best fit" for him. Sometimes there are other issues that make the prize seem like it wasn't won at all. Patience is NOT my strong suite. I can relate, Anna!
