Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bite The Bullet

Alright it's about time I bite the bullet.... I've finally signed up to take my real estate exam. 
I've been working full time with & for my mom in her office since I graduated in 2008.  I think having always "worked" with my mom since I was little I have dragged my feet about it.

There's something about working with your parent all that time -- I sometimes get a little worried/consumed with anxiety/fear that I'm doing this to please my mom or be the dutiful daughter.  But then there are times when I even catch myself off guard by how good I am (not to sound like an ego-maniac) at what I'm doing here.  The positives right now outweigh any fear I have, and I'm sure as time goes on I'll see how I fit & exactly what I bring to the table each & every day

So I'm not going to delay this any further -- rather than just talk about getting my license, I'm going to to do it.  My test is scheduled for February 16th.  Meaning for the next 30+ days I will be studying my rear end off, taking the test simulator multiple times over, and praying I'm not one of the fateful many that fail the first time thru.
Say a prayer for me as the day draws near...

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