Thursday, January 19, 2012

Freakin' Rain!

The heavens have opened up here in the PNW....and they are WIIIIIIIIIDE open.  What do I mean exactly? Oh just a mere 5 1/2inches of rain in the past 48hours.  Yup, you read that right. 5 1/2 inches! 

Don't get me wrong, I am a true Oregonian at heart & typically do not mind the rain.  I remember that this is the stuff that keeps my beautiful state so green & lush.  However, this is borderline nuts.  And the only thing that this constant, heavy rain is doing is bringing up my homeowner anxiety!  Are my foundation vents open? Are my gutters clean & clear? Why are there like 10 mini puddles around my barkdust in the front yard?  Is everything battoned down in the event of chaos??  Eeeeek  Primarily what happens next is that I sent a barrage of text messages to darling husband Isaac (have I ever mentioned how patient the man is with me...even in the middle of full blown OCD moments????....well, he is!) forwarding all those previous questions.  Oh don't mind that he's a high school math teacher, and doesn't have the availability to speedily respond.  Does that stop me? Oh goodness no.  But he is a saint & will calmly respond when he has time & will likely this weekend ensure that all of our items are cared for and/or give me the green light to call a contractor to get stuff rolling.  I can't go thru another winter with all these questions/concerns buzzing thru my head.

Ok...well while I try to distract myself from the seemingly never ending thoughts of what could go wrong or is going wrong...I will focus on the fact that my Las Vegas spring break family trip is 64 days away.  Ahhh...Vegas.  Annnnnnnnd I'm only 191 days away from my beloved Eagle Crest....aka my heaven on earth!

How do you survive the rain??

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