Thursday, November 1, 2012

Random Thursday

I mean really - how is this year already practically over?! I'm really being thrown for a loop - especially considering how in 61 days I'll be flying to Mexico and I've come no where near my goal that I had set...yikes

But that aside I'm trying to get myself out of that ugly funk I mentioned last week...proving to be a bit more challenging. So because I have no content for today (do I ever have real "content?") I'll share some photos from a few weeks ago when Honey Isaac's Mom & Grandma visited us for a few days.  It was quite the whirlwind week for me - they came to visit & then I left for a conference in Austin, TX.  But always fun to have them with us.

 My Friend Morgan & Grandma Chiko at Isaac's game. Grandma is 90yrs old & sat thru the entire game! She's a gem! And has a pretty quick sense of humor!
 3 Generations - Proud Momma & Grandma!
 Honey Isaac & myself with his mom - she made an around the world trip that October, traveling from HI, to CO, back to HI, then back to OR.
 Silly Goose Isaac with Grandma -- all proper!
 Imitating Grandma -- jokester

It's hard I know for Isaac to be so far away from his family, so we always treasure any time we get to be together.  We ate like kings - that's for sure! Tried out the new Korean restaurant in our town (used to be a Korean restaurant that Grandma Chiko really liked, but had since changed owners) - definitely more traditional than the previous owner, but DELISH! And then of course made our traditional trip to the casino for some slots & buffet.  Naturally Grandma was the big winner of the day - she's so gutsy playing the $1 slots! But I tried my hand a little bit at Blackjack & made Ike $100 - which was fun. Considering I usually just kill time on the penny slots.  
Trips like those remind how thankful I am, need to be, for these women who played such a huge role is Isaac's life.  I definitely would not have the husband I do if it weren't for these women.  Sure there are days I would like to throttle Isaac...but all in all I've managed to meet & hold on to a gem of a man.  For most people, to know Isaac is to love him.  I definitely feel that way (but like I said, I'm human...and there are days...) and probably need to remind myself of that more often.

It seems so easy to lose sight of the small, but most important, things in our lives - these past few months that has certainly been the case.  But it's those small things that are what hold us together, give us the courage to keep going, remind us to slow down, and force us to be thankful.
<3 br="br">

1 comment:

  1. Awww, what sweet photos with Grandma! She does not look like she's 90! And yes, your husband is lucky to have such positive female influences in his life - not everyone is as lucky!

    And yay - tomorrow's Friday!
