Monday, November 26, 2012


Let's all just be honest for a one enjoys being uncomfortable.  Myself especially included.  And for the sake of being honest -- I must confess that I did not stay on track as I was so hoping I would, when I shared about doing a month long work out challenge.  And while I'm being honest, I can say that it's mildly embarrassing to admit that I couldn't stick with 30 days of working out....30 days of doing something active each & every day.  Why you might be wondering (if you're's ok, I'll just pretend you are)?  Because it was or did get uncomfortable.  

My chief response to discomfort...excuses.  Where do most excuses lead to? Letheragy.  Yup that was me the past 2 weeks.  Barf! Talk about lame!  I did however stick to my Turkey Dash sign up on Thanksgiving.  First time I had ever signed up for a "race" or fun run by myself....literally with no plans to run with any one.  I ran in to a few people at the start line, and thankfully caught up to another coach's wife who had encouraged me to run it (she's a crazy good, fast runner...despite what she might say to you!).  So I ran the intervals with her & her daughter.  I can almost guarantee you she would have blown me away if she were running on her own, and for that I am thankful her daughter was there!  But how sad that the last 200yds I was dying! The time when you kick it in gear and I was hurting!  Talk about discomfort!  I did finish...I finished that 5k in about 37-40minutes (I'm the dummy that didn't start my watch!).  I even got a mug to prove it!

So I'm trying to just lean in to the discomfort in my life -- because I'm finding that even if I avoid the short term discomfort, the long term is much worse.  How do you "lean" in to the discomfort and ride it out??


  1. You followed through on the Turkey Dash - I think you need to give yourself more credit! In terms of being comfortable with discomfort, I think that simply acknowledging the feeling is the first step. And re-evaluating your goals to make sure they are still a good fit is important too :-)

    1. Thanks Elisse -- I definitely tend to be a little extra hard on myself. But good thoughts on re-evaluating thru the process!
