Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Will Until....

Real talk....marriage is tough, it's challenging, it's not always glamorous.  Sure I wouldn't change or trade anything about being married to the man I love.  But it would be disingenuous to posture as if life were flowers & rainbows every single day.

That being said - as of let a few of our couple friends have been working their way through some pretty tough struggles.  Situations and conversations that aren't always comfortable, that don't have a nicely wrapped up resolution.  Situations and conversations that sometimes lead to more questions than anything.  But only for a period of time. And truthfully the only thing that keeps popping in to my head is a saying my mom shared with me once (during a period of time when it life in the Parker household was challenging)...."I will until..."  This concept didn't make much sense to me at the time.  But each & every time Honey Isaac & I have come to a conversation or season when life seemed particularly hard this has popped up in my head.  I will do everything, I will try anything & everything, I will share, I will confess, I will surrender, I will apologize.... I will.  A choice.  An action.  An active participation.  

My heart aches for our sweet friends and those around us when these seasons rear their ugly heads.  My heart breaks when people give up or surrender too easily or quickly because it doesn't "feel good."  Feelings are so fickle - I'm always shocked how we, myself absolutely 100% included, make so many life changing/altering decisions based on feelings.

Remember my friends.... I will until....
Stepping of my marriage soap box now 

1 comment:

  1. Sadly I know a few people who are hitting rough patches and/or ending their relationships. People make up or break up for various reasons, and the active participation of both partners is so important. Great advice from your mom!
