Friday, November 9, 2012

Jillian Michaels is a B...

That's right I said it.... I've been tackling her 30 Day Shred DVD the past couple weeks (and only seriously in the last week), but let me just tell you... She is a B.  

Oh sure you think 20 minutes won't kill you.  You can do anything for 20 minutes.  But let's get real my friends.  It's a non stop 20 minutes (that statement alone makes me feel like a lazy fatty....) that honestly has left me pouring sweat after each segment.  And I hate sweating.  As in I really, truly, painfully dislike sweating.  But I digress -- mostly, it's just uber challenging.  The biggest pain I have are my calves.  It's shocking how much pain I'm in after only 2 minutes of alternating jumping jacks and "jump rope."  The first 2 or 3 days I had trouble walking up & down my stairs!  Let alone the impact on my running.

All this aside, I can say that I can see a little change in myself.  Miniscule change -- but hell, I'll take it!

I even wrote out a pre-planned calendar of workouts for the month.  Each day I get a sticker if I did my work out...yes, I realize how juvenile that sounds but you'd be surprised how flippin' motivating a tiny little sticker can be! I want that sticker each day and I'll push myself thru a brutal 20min Jillian Michaels DVD, a run, Zumba, or anything else just to get that sticker!  

How you do approach work outs? Pre-plan? Go with the flow?  Do you plan out any rewards for yourself? Like a pedicure or massage?
Happy Friday!   


  1. Keep at it! You will be so proud to see a filled calender of stickers at the month's end :)

  2. I always want to kick her in the face because of her voice. I hate her tone and the look she gives me while I am trying my hardest. I really should give it a go again.

    Good job on keeping up with it. You should reward yourself with a smoothie or a massage but a mani/pedi sounds great.

  3. the 30ds is a good program; it's what i used to condition my body for insanity. just stick with it; the pain just means that your body is changing for the better.
