Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Small Changes

That's what I'm trying to focus on these days....small, baby-step, changes.  Watching my portions.  Doing something active each & every day.  Hugging my husband, even when he's annoying me.  Slowing down to mind my tone at work.  But let's just be honest - even these "little" changes are incredibly challenging!  And while we're being honest - let me also state that I am not a big fan of patience.  If I'm doing something, I'd much rather see the end result in short order.....none of this keep doing it til you see it nonsense.  Alas, that's pretty much how it works out in life though.

So I suppose I'll keep at my small changes.  And tonight's small change - getting my work out in, finishing dinner, & finally folding the mountain of clothes in my living room.  I've only about about 46 days left til Mexican vacation, so I've got zero time to waste....

How do you hang on to the end goal?  Or find your motivation when things get tough? Send me your tips & tricks!


  1. I like to keep a calendar where i can tick off each day that i've achievec a daily goal. Small changes are the best way to approach any goal!

  2. Small changes are good. Baby steps. I agree with Elisse, I write everything in a notebook I always keep with me. I like to write when I work out and what exercises I did, also my weight and measurements. I think even writing what you eat is good too, so you can keep track.

    I am in the same boat as you. I have a beach vacation coming up and need to be in a bikini. It's going to be tough with only 32 days left for me. But I am not giving up (as I sit here and drink some soda, lol).
