Monday, December 10, 2012

Just Keep Swimming....

This time of year always seems to take me by surprise.  The craziness.  The events.  The Christmas cards.  The food.  It somehow always feels like a mack the best sense of the word of course.

Even with our upcoming vacation I feel totally overwhelmed.  Probably because I'm trying to stuff 4 weeks of stuff and events in to 3 weeks.  And likely also because I'm trying to force some files at work to get closed or as close to closed as possible before I leave.  

But amidst the the chaos and craziness I'm reminded nearly every day what is worthy.  My husband -- even when we have gnarly tiffs, that thankfully usually end in apologies and giggles.  My family -- that endure my moody-ness because they know it's just a moment and I'll come around.  My friends -- particularly the one or two very dear friends that I can share the ugliest of uglies with and not be fearful of it being broadcast to the universe.  And the others who know the ways to hold me accountable.  My job -- though incredibly challenging & frustrating a good portion of the time, it's incredibly important to remind myself that a job in and of itself is something to be grateful for.  And a job that requires flexibility and creativity is pretty cool too.  My extended family -- I often joke I've got a mafia sized family (and I really kind of do), but it's pretty fun to leave the local Christmas Pancake Breakfast at the local fire station & run in to about a dozen family members.  A warm, comfy home -- a place to lay my head and kick up my feet at the end of each day.

So in an attempt to maintain my sanity in the upcoming 12 days I'll just keep staring at the photos of our hotel in Mexico, and repeat to myself "I can make it....I can make it...."
Merry Christmas friends.  I'll try and get a few more posts written up here before leaving :)


  1. You can make it. All you have to do is see the light at the end of the tunnel which is Mexico!

  2. These can be hectic days! It's hard to keep your head above water, but you have a great reward waiting for yah!
