Friday, August 10, 2012

Fill In The Blank Friday

Man it's been a while since I've done this...but with such a quiet office this morning, might as well!
 Linking up with Lauren at the little things we do

1.  The age I will be on my upcoming birthday is 27...crazy to think about, but it doesn't really bother me.

2.  The best birthday present ever would be a new complete, wonderful, beautiful wardrobe that fit me perfectly! Oh, and a trip to Fiji :)

3.  My favorite birthday to date was My 21st birthday by far! Mom & I took a girls only trip to New York City...My birthday is 5 days before Christmas, so NYC was all decked out in its Christmas regalia, and it was awesome! We went to shows, shopped, had great meals, saw the city, & mastered the subway! It was fantastic!

4.  Birthdays make me feel  special & loved.  Simple as that 

5.  The worst birthday I ever had was Um, I can't really think of one -- maybe the only bad one was the year we were traveling on my actual birthday, but we were going to Hawaii so it wasn't too terrible.  I try not to make a huge deal about doing things on or for my birthday....a couple presents & cards, but most importantly dinner with my family.

6.  When I was born... apparently my dad took the most round about way to the hospital, my sweet mom was in labor with me for 22 hours, my darling grandparents waited patiently & my dad rubbed my moms back for hours while playing the sound track to the move "Somewhere in Time."  I was born at 10:05pm, 7lbs 40z & 19in long.  Was a little tuckered out & didn't quite want to breathe on my own so I spent a little time in the NICU.  But what that ultimately meant was that my parents brought me home on Christmas Eve in a giant red stocking...the best Christmas present they've ever gotten ;)  But my dad spent that night on the couch with me sleeping on his chest until Christmas morning.

7.  So far my favorite age has been I think maybe 22 -- I graduated from college, got engaged (a HUGE surprise planned by honey Isaac) in Palm Springs, had my first Christmas in Hawaii, spent Spring Break in Palm Springs with family, and got married! That was such a whirlwind & fun year!

*Side note on when I was born...that sound track to that movie is big in our family.  My parents watch it every year on Valentine's Day & have since they were married.  The music was playing when I was born.  And the theme song is the song my Dad walked me down the aisle to. It is by far some of the most beautiful music - if you're so inclined, look it up on iTunes. So pretty.
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  1. That song is so beautiful! Wish I'd known the back story at the wedding, that makes it even more special!! Happy weekend, Anna

  2. I'm also 26, I'm fine with it, I just feel like it sounds old! I can't believe that I'm that old! Crazy!

    Stopping by from the link-up! Happy Friday!

  3. Christmas in NYC is beautiful, no wonder it was a favorite birthday for you.
