Friday, June 22, 2012

a trip, some photos, & a thought

This past weekend, Isaac & I made our way to Denver.  The objective in traveling to the Mile High City: visit with Isaac's brother, wife, & meet our new nephew Kapono.  Definitely a trip we were looking forward to - and were happy to add it in to our typical 3 trip/year agenda.  I mean who doesn't love holding a cooing baby?!  Plus, it was really nice to have some quality time with my brother-in-law & sister-in-law. Time to rest, time to visit, time to just stare at the little guy & chuckle together at his pouty lip (that he is very quickly mastering). Parker man & I decided to stay at a hotel about 15/20 minutes from our family - mostly because I really didn't want to put pressure on them about having to "entertain" us, or worry about waking us or vice versa.  It actually worked out really well....because one day my SIL Crystal had some errands to run & the boys wanted to shoot guns.  So I dropped Parker man off at their house & made my way back to our hotel to rest, do some work, and putz around.  Everyone did what they needed/wanted to do & were happy.  Most of all it was just great to build some memories together and visit.  Definitely my favorite thing to do.  We even cooked up a quick Hawaiian dinner for Matt for his first Father's Day -- and I know being there for that made Isaac super proud of his brother.  I can tell how proud he is of Matt & how well/fast he's taken to being a dad.  A reminder of all the blessings in our families!

Here are a few photos snapped over the long weekend....sorry for the poor quality, I forgot our camera & only had the trusty iPhone available!
 Kapono boy himself -- such a sweet heart! And with reddish/brown hair & light eyes, so cute!
 Parker & Kapono visiting -- Pono was a fan of Uncle's tummy!
 Big man put the little man in his jammies

 On our last morning sitting in Pono's favorite spot -- the front porch.
Sad to leave the little guy but excited to see how he grows!
 Parker man found a new "use" for the Boppy...haha
 Kapono in love with his "My Little Lamb" swing. He was happy as a clam watching the mobile go round & round.

Isaac & I were reminded of how many blessings there are all around us.  Though there are challenges, nothing really outshines or should out weigh the goodness that surrounds.  Maybe it's babies that bring things back to center - their needs are simple.  Their love pure.  A reminder to care for & love one another in that same only expect people to be exactly who they are & respect them for that.


  1. Baby Kapono is adorable. What is his nationality?

    That photo with of Issac using the Boppy as a travel pillow is hilarious!

    1. He is pretty sweet! He's kind of a mix of a lot of things: Japanese, Caucasian, Hispanic...and some other mish mash that we're not entirely sure. Has a bit of a red tint to his hair.
      Isaac honestly didn't know what the Boppy was or what it was used for...just thought it was a extra large sized neck pillow!
