Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Where's The Commitment?

This is the question I've been asking myself these last two weeks...where's the commitment?  Who would I be asking this question of you might be wondering.  Simply put....myself.  How many times can I start over?  How many times do I need to wonder when I'll get it or when I'll buy in?
Last week I had a conversation with my mom....and even though I didn't quite want to hear what she had to say, there was one nugget that stood out.  She told me that she has always seen me keep myself from being great.  Ugh...talk about gut check.

I've spent the last week or so trying to figure out where that comes from.  Definitely not the easiest thing to unpack, and I certainly haven't dug my way to the source, yet.  Likely I'll try to understand that part of myself for the rest of my life.  But what I have decided is that I need to stop getting in my own way.  I step in after a big of progress and "find" or "realize" some road block that is present to keep me from moving forward (silly, right?).
On a lighter note -- I'm so thankful for good friends.  Late night BINGO sessions (that ultimately were a bust sadly), selling a wedding gown to a uber down to earth bride (think classy white informal gown...no lace here ladies & gents), & an entire afternoon with two of my favorite cousins (favorite cousin by blood & favorite cousin by marriage).  Tasha & Chad are the greatest -- if you could ever meet these two, they would instantly be your favorite people on earth.

How do you commit to things or honor those commitments when life gets hard or in the way?

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