Monday, February 20, 2012

Here's the deal...

Sometimes there are just days when nothing seems to go right, feel right, or be right.  Today was that day.  Everything felt off.  And so the only remedy for this type of day is to come straight home, put on the most comfortable clothing, eat a delicious dinner, drink an adult beverage (if you so choose), and watch some trashy TV. 

Yup that's right, trashy TV is a must on days like these.  What are you go to trashy TV shows?? Some of mine include the following: Basketball Wives, Real Housewives of...., The Bachelor, Teen Mom, Jerseylicious, Diners/Driveins/Dives, etc.  I will say I DEFINITELY steer clear of shows like Hoarders, Intervention & the like.  Those types of shows give me such an anxiety...yeesh.  

Friends I hope to have some more news to share on the home front, but the last few weeks our attention & focus have been on one topic -- one I can't share quite yet in its entirety.  But I'm hoping to roll it all out here soon.  But if you could, please keep sending those good thoughts our way!

Here's to being thankful tomorrow is a new day!


  1. Oh dear, I love trashy tv...housewives, bachelor, yes I do enjoy the mindless time.
    :-) We have had many discussions on your not yet shared topic...over adult beverages we have run up and down, in and out. Wish you were here to join in the banter...we love you guys!

    1. comforting to know I'm not alone in the trashy tv appreciation!
      Thank you for the good thoughts/prayers. I'll facebook you a few details :)
