Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Small Changes

Ever had one of those days where you just think to yourself...."this right here, this what I'm doing, just isn't working."  From the moment I woke up that's what was running thru my head -- in some form or fashion.

My daily devotional was focused on finding & living in your true identity, found in Christ.   On my drive to work, a dear friend called & I am so thankful for the blessing of true, honest friendship.  And my work day began with a true, much needed & over due mom/daughter hug.  

Let's just say I tried to be aware of myself, my choices, & what not.... But mostly what I tried to do was be aware that I don't want to fight against where I am presently just to fight.  Realizing how much energy is spent fighting or being "right."
There are better, more worthy things to be focusing on & putting my energy towards.


1 comment:

  1. Very thought provoking. Yes, I think this is good..focus and put energy forth on the good.
